About Crowdfunding

History in the making

The Dumb Friends League has been committed to helping animals live better lives since 1910. Throughout Colorado, we provide compassionate care through comprehensive services for pets and horses who are vulnerable to homelessness, suffering, and abuse. Over the League’s 113-year history, our work has transformed many times over in response to the ever-evolving needs of animals and the people who love them most. And while change has always been a constant, our dedication to ending pet homelessness and animal suffering has never wavered.


Socially Conscious Sheltering

Creating the best outcomes for all animals. We are proud to be a Socially Conscious Animal Welfare Organization, which means we take in every unmanageable or homeless pet who comes to us for care and shelter. We also address the medical and behavioral needs of animals in our care and place all healthy and safe pets in loving homes. If an animal is suffering and cannot be helped, we will provide compassionate euthanasia.


Our mission

Working with our compassionate community, we will end pet homelessness and animal suffering.


Our community commitment

The Dumb Friends League is guided by Compassion for all animals who come through our doors— whether they are lost, relinquished, or suffering, we will give them the treatment and care they need.


Compassion for every person who enters our facilities— whether to adopt, to find their lost pet, or because they are unable to care for their pets and trust us to treat them with love and kindness.


Compassion for people and animals in our community— providing accessible services, investigating animal mistreatment and neglect, offering behavior counseling to pet owners, and delivering humane education to teach respect for animals, people, and the world we share.

Questions? Check us out at DDFL.org, or send a question to Donations@DDFL.org. Our telephone number is 303-751-5772.


Dumb Friends League FAQ

What is DDFL?

It is this. 

How do I participate? 

Like this. 

Will donors who support this fundraiser receive a tax receipt?

Yes, donors who make a gift to the League through this platform will receive an emailed receipt, sent to the email they provide on the form. They will also receive a donation statement in late January or early February of the following year. 

Will donors who make a gift on this platform be acknowledged and thanked?

Yes, donors who make a gift through this platform will be thanked by the League. Additionally, the League will share the donor list with you so you can also thank your supporters. Donation amounts will not be shared, though!

What types of fundraisers will the League help me host on this platform?

Donors are welcome to contact the League about hosting a variety of fundraisers: special events (In-person or online, such as a challenge), to commemorate the loss of a loved one who requested gifts to the League "in lieu of flowers", school fundraisers, and many more options. 

Is there a cost to me to host a fundraiser on this platform?

No, the League provides this to patrons and donors at no cost.

Can I set up my own fundraiser on this platform?

We look forward to collaborating with you on your fundraiser. The League will set up your photos, logos, fundraising goals, and text, with materials you provide, at no cost. We'll provide you with the URL and marketing tools as soon as your fundraiser is ready to go. 

Are there restrictions on the duration of my fundraiser?

No, we are happy to host it for as long or as short as you need. 

Can my fundraiser have teams, sell tickets, or offer donation incentives?

Yes, you can choose to do any or all of those. Please let the League know when you send your original materials to set up your fundraiser.

Can my fundraiser be edited once it starts?


My payment doesn't want to go through. What can I do?

Double-check that your credit card numbers are input correctly, and please do not use any characters when inputting your phone number; for instance instead of typing 555-234-5678, please type 5552345555. 

More questions? Please see DDFL.org, reach out to Donations@DDFL.org, or call 303-751-5772.